Saturday, January 25, 2014

Christmas photo blast

    I know it is almost the end of January and that talking about Christmas makes me seem a little odd but that is not stopping me.

    I recapped the adventures of my trip home and to Kansas City in my "End of 2013" post but I decided to not include photos since I was already including so many others. Now I have changed my mind, mostly because I am trying to come up with another post that isn't ready and I need a filler for this week. But who doesn't love photos!?

Best friends from high school. Missing just one.

Kids I have babysat since they were born and they are turning 9 in February!

Christmas Eve mass.

Erin officially became a Shaver over Christmas.

Christmas morning stockings.

Gramma and Grandpa Sedmak.

Julie and my favorite St. Louis boys.


Typical us.

Mima and Papa with their grandchildren and great grandchild. (Missing one granddaughter and two great grandsons (my sister and her boys.))

Cousins and friends forever.

    I am still overwhelmed by the thought of how much traveling I did and how much family I saw and fun I had all within one week but I would not have had it any other way! I don't know when I will be able to go home again which makes me cherish these memories that much more. 

And lastly, this was one of my Christmas gifts....get it?....LOVE, HUGS, and COFFEE MUGS! 
Thanks Momma!

(Okay, I am officially done talking about Christmas 2013.)  

Friday, January 10, 2014

Food favorites!

    I will not claim to be the best cook in the house, that spot eaily belongs to Katrina and we all know and love it, but I have been able to cook quite a bit this year. In hopes to not shock family and friends please read this

    Other than taking two cooking classes in high school, (mostly just to have a break from the heavy course work I was doing to "prepare" for college) my knowledge of the kitchen comes from watching my Momma's "little bit of this and little bit of that" style. I still tell people that Momma's refrigerator soup (commonly known as vegetable soup) is one of my favorties; each time she makes it we gobble the whole thing down even though no two batches are the same. In my house, Momma cooks and Dad bakes...not a bad combo for sister and I! I love going home because Momma cooks what I request and I get to enjoy her delicious food. Always though I am sure to stir something and insit that I helped and therefore get some of the credit for the dish. [One thing I will not do willingly....chop onions! There must be begging and pleading involved.]

    I love when Momma cooks while I am home but while here in Syracuse I have been able to find a happy place when making dishes that my community will enjoy. We split up the cooking and after-dinner-dishes each week so that everyone gets an opportunity to express their cooking creativity.

     Some of my favorite dishes that my community members have made include: Frito pies (made by Liz), delicious fish (made by Paige), fancy grilled cheese (always Brendan), homemade mac and cheese (from Jacqueline), stir fry and Dutch babies (from chef Katrina), and bowtie pasta with veggies (made by Paul) and those are just the dishes I remember right now! We eat pretty well (as in enough food) even though we are on a tight budget. We don't purchase much meat and we do consume a large portion of carbs (because they are delicious duh!) but we try to cook different dishes which adds some "spice" to our lifestyle of simple living.

To further prove that I do cook this year here are some dishes that I have made:
  • homemade biscuits and sausage gravy
  • turkey and green bean casserole (Thanksgiving)
  • chili
  • pumpkin soup
  • taco soup
  • eggplant panini
  • garlic roasted cauliflower
  • cousous with parsley and tomatoes
  • homemade applesause
  • Skyline chili
  • Dad's coffee cake
  • whole roasted chicken (it was donated to us)
  • broccoli cheese noodle soup
  • black bean burgers
  • buffalo chicken dip (the our New Year's party)
    If you have any suggestions of dishes I could make (remember I am feeding 7 people and leftovers are welcomed) please feel free to comment or email me! I hope you are staying warm and well fed friends.

Friday, January 3, 2014

End of 2013

I cannot believe that 2014 is here already! It feels as though I blinked and months had flown by. Although it will take me until about mid-February to actually wite 2014 instaed of 2013, (changing 2012 into 2013 wasn't so challenging but if you make a mistake this year it will unfortunately be quite obvious) I am looking forward to better documenting memories and experiences in 2014. I have a horrible memory so writing down events and recaps on this blog and in my journal will hopefully become a more regular thing so I can look back in time and remember things more easily.

Here is a recap of how my 2013 ended.

Since I last posted,

1. I went to Boston with some of my community members and got to see one of my very best friends, Emily! We walked alllll around downtown Boston and the Commons, ate cannolis, rode the T, saw the Boston Library,the Holocaust memorial, and the harbor, made cauliflower-crust pizza and puppy chow, watched Bones together, and went to mass at Boston College. It was not only wonderful to see Boston and BC's campus (since it is still an option for the fall) but seeing one of my best friends really helped me get through the end of the year until I was able to go home for the holidays. It was so lovely and the weather was perfect!

2. Thanksgiving with my community! The girls and I cooked dinner (I helped with the turkey and it was delicious!) and enjoyed an intimate meal together since Brendan was home with family and Paul was at work. The day was full of food for me; the best kind of Thanksgiving right?! Liz made us a delicious breakfast in the morning, an almond-cranberry coffee cake! Then I popped into work during the meal time to say hello to guests at Sam Center and celebrate Thanksgiving with those I see each day and have come to care about deeply. Next, I was invited to the home of a Sam Center volunteer to eat with his family and the food was super scrumptious! And then I came back to my house and ate with the girls. We went to Lights on the Lake that night which is exactly what it sounds like. There are a bunch of Christmas lights set up along Onondaga Lake and you drive through them while listening to Christmas music and enjoying the displays, very fun!

3. Downtown Syracuse Christmas tree lighting. It was super duper cold but we went anyways! There is a GIANT tree downtown and they make an ice-skating rink right by it that is open all winter. Loads of people from the area come out to watch the tree lights turn on for the first time and it is a great Syracuse tradion that I am very grateful I experienced this year.

4. My birthday! First, my community made me a beautiful sign that was hanging up in the kitchen when I woke up. At work my coworkers surprised me by bringing lunch in from a local bar that has delicious burgers and fries! That evening my community made me a dinner of my choice which was waffles, scrambled eggs, and bacon followed by a homemade ice cream cake! I felt very spoiled this year and am so thankful that I was able to celebrate with my new family. Being 23 is a bit scary though.

5. Berrigan House Christmas Extravaganza! As a community we decided to celebrate Christmas the first weekend in December since we would all be together then before folks started to leave for holiday We put up our tree (artificial with lights already on it), hung some ornaments, paper snowflakes, and stockings, and random other things (who doesn't want a plastic bag, baked ziti, and a single serving pac of mac and cheese hanging from the ceiling?! The plasitc bag was Brendan's idea and he suggested we put our Christmas wishes/aspirations in it, very thoughtful Brendan.) On "Christmas morning" we ate breakfast together and I made my Dad's delicious cinnamon goop coffee cake with gookey eggs. Since we are on a tight budget we decided to do a gift exchange/Secret Santa rather than have each person purchase six other gifts. We did our gift exchange and enjoyed unwrapping the thoughtful gifts and then opened stockings which Paige and I had filled with some yummy candy. We spent the rest of the day hanging out together and I think we watched Christmas movies and listened to Christmas music most of the day. Oh, we took naps too! Yay!

6. At some point, on a particularly snowy weekend, the girls had a random dance party and I hope we have lots more in 2014!

7. Christmas at home! I was lucky enough to be off work the week of Christmas and I traveled home and then some. On the 22nd, my dad and sister drove up to get me (8.5 hours) from Dayton during the night and then we drove home that day. On the 23rd I had breakfast with one of my best friends, went shopping with Maggie and ate a delicious meal to celebrate my sister's birthday a bit early. On the 24th my high school best friend group got together to do our annual gift exchange brunch which includes cuddling and watching Veggie Tales then I finished shopping for Mom with Dad and Maggie (another tradion). In the afternoon more family friends came over to hang out for a bit and one of my college best friends showed up. (She ended up celebrating Christmas with us and hanging out with us for five days!) We went to 10pm mass on Christmas Eve which then resulted in Mom and Dad having to wake my sister and I and Erin up on Christmas morning instead of the traditional other-way-around. We opened gifts and ate quiche for breakfast before another friend came over for an hour! (Lots of people to see and little time folks!) We went to Cincinnati to spend the rest of Christmas Day with my mom's side of the family and enjoyed the warmth of family and were delighted by Grandpa's latest Christmas poem, this year it was about sending Christmas cards. On the 26th we left the house at 7:30am for a 10 hour van ride to Kansas City, Missouri where my Dad's side of the family lives. Mom and Dad drove while the three of us girls slept most of the way. We stopped in St. Louis for lunch with one of the most delightful families that I am blessed beyond belief to know. Once we arrived at my Mima and Papa's house the family time began again! On the 27th we celebrated Christmas with that side of the family and the gift exchange theme this year was DIY so whatever you brought you had to have made. (I brought orange scones and provided the recipe.) On the 28th we had our big party for my Dad's parents. They celebrated 60 years of marriage this year and both turned 80 so we celebrated in style and invited all of their friends and family members to an open house. We were only missing my older sister and her family from my Dad's side of the family, which meant that 25 of us were together! We all enjoyed the time together and departed towards our separate homes on the 29th. My family drove back to Dayton and I flew out of KC back to Syracuse.

8. New Year's Eve! (Shout out to Maggie who turned 19 on the 31st! Love you!) Side note: each JV community in the East region is assigned a holiday and throws a party with an open invitation to all of the other JV communities. (The holiday passed down from year to year so no one actually chooses.) My community is lucky enough to have Father's Day! Yay! The Harlem house hosts the New Year's Party and we were invited but decided it would be better if we stayed in Syracuse because we are poor and some people had to work the 31st and 1st so traveling didn't really seem like a good option. Side note over. Since we were not traveling to Harlem we decided to have a party of our own for all the friends we have made in Syracuse. It was small, cozy, and fun time with party poppers, noise makers, and champagne at midnight. (And lots of leftovers!)